Monday, May 9, 2022

Pros and Cons of cPanel | Advantages and Disadvantages of cPanel

Pros and Cons of using cPanel | Advantages and Disadvantages of using cPanel

Pros and Cons of cPanel | Advantages and Disadvantages of cPanel

Introduction : What is cPanel?

In simply, cPanel means Control Panel. cPanel is a control panel which based on Linux. And also, cPanel is an online Graphical User Interface (GUI). Basically cPanel assists to publish dynamic websites, manage domain properties, manage files, create email accounts, etc. Many web hosting suppliers provide cPanel to their users with their hosting plans. cPanel is the most popular website and server management GUI in the world. The server management interface of cPanel, called as Web Host Manager (WHM). 

Pros of cPanel

  1. User-friendly interface (The interface of cPanel is very easy and user-friendly. No need advanced technical knowledge to operate cPanel interface. The interface of cPanel is beginner-friendly and less complex)
  2. Easy to Install (The installation process of cPanel is less complex and easy to proceed with less technical knowledge and experience)
  3. Requires less space (Space requirement is less to install cPanel. Basically, it requires minimum 20GB disk space and 1GB RAM. Nowadays, this is very less size of disk space) 
    Pros and Cons of cPanel  Advantages and Disadvantages of cPanelPros and Cons of cPanel  Advantages and Disadvantages of cPanel

  4. Lots of features (cPanel is included a lot of features which make easiness of user. Domain control, Backup, FTP Manager, E-mail accounts, MySQL, Softaculous one-click installation CMS, etc. are basic highlighted features)
  5. Flexibility (cPanel allows to migrate web hosting to another with easy few steps)
  6. A cheap solution (cPanel is a low-cost cheap solution for individuals, small businesses as well as enterprises. Packages are available from $15 per month)
  7. Most service web hosting providers offer cPanel installation for free with their hosting packages.

Cons of cPanel

  1. Limited file accessing (Users are not allowed to access files without permission. You must first have permission from cPanel to access the files)
  2. The probability of being hacked is high (It is a widely used server management software and is vulnerable to hacker attacks)
  3. Cannot install on windows servers.

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