Thursday, April 28, 2022

Pros and Cons of Organic Fertilizer | Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Fertilizer

 Pros and Cons of Using Organic Fertilizer | Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Organic Fertilizer

Pros and Cons of Organic Fertilizer | Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Fertilizer

Introduction : What is Organic Fertilizer?

Organic matter is plant parts or animal waste. Organic fertilizers are used when organic matter is used in crop production. Compost production involves the conversion of complex organic matter into simple organic matter by the action of microorganisms. Organically produced as organic fertilizer, organic matter is important in crop production and in the commercialization of organic fertilizer. Types of  Organic Fertilizer : Manure (Cow dung / Goat droppings / Animal excreta), Compost, Rock Phosphate.

Pros of Using Organic Fertilizer

  1. High soil structure (Due to the natural substance contained in organic fertilizers, the soil structure increases and as a result, the percentage of water retained in the soil increases. Also, the soil becomes more fertile due to the increase in nutrients in the soil)
  2. Helps microorganisms thrive (Chemical fertilizers are made up of carbon-free chemical molecules. These molecules often interfere with the survival of microorganisms. But organic fertilizer is made up of organic matter and helps in the growth of microorganisms. The composition of organic fertilizers contains carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which help in the survival of microorganisms. This allows them to produce the nutrients that plants need)
  3. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly (Chemical fertilizers applied to crops reduce the quality of water by mixing with the drainage system. It also harms biodiversity. But organic fertilizers return to the soil structure without harming the environment or biodiversity)
  4. A cost-effective solution (There is a high cost involved in purchasing chemical fertilizers. But if organic fertilizer is used, the farmers can produce the required organic fertilizers themselves)
  5. The risk of plant damage is low (Some chemical fertilizers cause damage to plant parts due to increase or decrease in dose. But this risk is minimal when using organic fertilizers)

Cons of Using Organic Fertilizer

  1. Take a long time to give results (During the use of organic fertilizers, the release of nutrients in them is a slow process. The nutrient release of organic fertilizers depends on the weather and the percentage of microorganisms in the soil)
  2. Excess labor demand (Organic fertilizers are usually very heavy and quantitatively large. In this case, the production of fertilizers such as compost requires more labor and more manpower. Also, applying organic fertilizer to a large area of agricultural land requires many workers and is a laborious task)
  3. Pathogenic effects (In organic fertilizer products such as compost, if the production process is not done properly, pathogens may remain. If these pathogens enter the food plant, it will have an adverse effect)
  4. Deficiency of nutrients (Organic fertilizers may not contain some of the nutrients that some plant species need. In such cases, the use of organic manure may not be effective)

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